North African Tour

Destination: London

Starting from: £16

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It’s time to walk the streets of Central London and visit some of the locations connected to North African Muslims!


2 hours and 30 minutes


Starts from St James Park underground station (Broadway Exit) we visit the location of Friday prayers that was established 100 years ago, by Duse Mohamed Ali.

Discover the imprisonment of a Moroccan ambassador, to Algerian Rovers occupying British land, the European Moroccan “Pirate”, the North African Tudor, Shakespeare’s Muslim friend, an Egyptian battle recognized in London and finishing off around China Town at a hidden gem from 1889.

We will pass by Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Big Ben, Horse Guards Parade, Trafalgar Square so get your cameras or mobile-ready for the pictures!

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Adults  – £35
Children – £16
Families – £100
Infants Free

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Adults  – £35
Children – £16
Families – £100
Infants Free


